
2024-04-30 14:35:55 资讯新闻网

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1、人生五味,勺在你手。 Five flavors of life, spoon in your hand. 2、很想很想,泪流满面。 I want to think about it. Tears are pouring. 3、情人眼里,你会很美。 You will be beautiful in the eyes of lovers. 4、饭在锅里,我在床上。 The rice is in the pot, I'm in bed. 5、永远有人更好,眼下便是很好。 There will always be better people, and now it is the best. 6、只许州官放火,不许你离开我。 Only state officials can set fire, you are not allowed to leave me. 7、我警告你,你只能爱我一个人。 I warn you that you can only love me alone. 8、往事不记,后事不提。 The past is not remembered, and the later things are not mentioned. 9、你是我,跳动的心脏。 You are me, beating heart. 10、月上树梢,你来梦里。 On the top of the moon, you come to dream. 11、思念的路,漫漫无边。 The way of missing is endless. 12、爱你爱到,神魂颠倒。 Love you, love, and be fascinated. 13、万金,难比你一笑。 Wanjin, it's harder to laugh than you. 14、图你年纪大,图你不洗澡。 Picture you are old. You don't take a bath. 15、做够了了小仙女,想做你太太。 I've been enough to be a fairy and want to be your wife. 16、沉迷美色,无法自拔。 Addicted to beauty, can not pull out. 17、有点扛不住,想你了。 It's a little too hard to carry. I miss you. 18、遇到你的这一生,是奖赏。 It's a reward to meet you in this lifetime. 19、你是一种毒药,早已要我性命。 You are a poison, and you have already killed me. 20、我会保护你,一辈子。 I will protect you for a lifetime. 21、我爱你,不是说说而已。 I love you, not just talk. 22、我的眼,看着你美丽永不回头。 My eyes, look at you beautiful never turn back. 23、心随你动,你在心中! Heart moves with you, you are in the heart! 24、一次遇见你,一生走下去。 Once I met you, I went on my life. 25、想得催心,等得焦心。 Think of it, wait for it. 26、因为爱你,看谁都像情敌。 Because love you, see who is like enemy. 27、谁为了谁,又负了谁。 Who is for whom and who bears. 28、世间万般苦,你是一点甜。 The world is all kinds of bitterness. You are a little sweet. 29、爱你的感觉,很完美。 Love your feeling, the most perfect. 30、你给的世界,满满的都是爱。 The world you give is full of love. 31、做你,一辈子的女人。 Be you, a woman of your life. 32、直到遇见你,才觉得不枉此生。 It was not until I met you that I felt like I could not be wasted. 33、我的人生,有你才完整。 My life, only with you is complete. 34、守着你是,我的本份。 Keep you. I am. 35、我曾踏月而来,只因你在山中。 I came on a moon only because you were in the mountains. 36、你的困难,我来解决。 I'll solve your difficulties. 37、你是我的,要听我的。 You are mine. Listen to me. 38、想与你坠星河,弃世间烟火。 Want to fall with you, abandon the world fireworks. 39、众生皆苦,唯你超甜。 All living beings are bitter, but you are super sweet. 40、吾之益华,汝之好逑。 My benefit is your kindness. 41、我喜欢你,麻烦你礼尚往来。 I like you. Please be polite. 42、相守永远,真情不变。 Keep together forever, the true feelings will not change. 43、和你,今年,明年,年年。 And you, this year, next year, year. 44、相守一生,相伴到老。 Keep your life together and be old. 45、你笑,世界就灿烂。 You laugh, the world is brilliant. 46、事已至此,先吃饭吧。 Now that's the matter, eat first. 47、苦尽甘来,所以你来了。 You come because you have been so happy. 48、愿我和他,新婚快乐。 May I have a happy marriage with him. 49、叮咚,你有新的爱意请查收。 Dingdong, please check your new love. 50、你是开始,我是结束! You are the beginning, I am the end! 51、一生爱恋,一世幸福! Love all my life, happy life! 52、我愿意为了你,背叛世界。 I'm willing to betray the world for you. 53、偶尔想你,经常偶尔。 I miss you occasionally, often occasionally. 54、我心永远,我情依旧! My heart forever, my love is still! 55、爱你这件事,我就没有退缩过。 I have never retreated from loving you. 56、如果可以,我要你陪我今生。 If I can, I want you to accompany me this life. 57、你伤,天地就灰暗。 If you hurt, the sky and the earth will be gray. 58、我越来越,喜欢你了。 I'm more and more, I like you. 59、你是,看不厌的祸水。 You are, you can not look at the evil water. 60、你是我手心里的,宝。 You are in my hand, treasure.






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