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1、没有梦想,至少还可以做梦啊。 No dream, at least you can dream. 2、白天很快乐,难不难过只有夜晚才知道。 The day is very happy, difficult not sad, only at night. 3、生命中充满了巧合,两条平行线也会有相交的一天。 Life is full of coincidence, and two parallel lines will intersect one day. 4、只要努力抬起你的双脚,胜利将属于你。 As long as you try to lift your feet, victory will belong to you. 5、虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难总是能战胜的。 Although the world is full of suffering, suffering can always be overcome. 6、安全感来自于有钱花和吃得饱,和谁都没有关系。 Security comes from having money to spend and having enough to eat. It has nothing to do with anyone. 7、老一辈总觉得,两个人过日子总比一个人强。 The older generation always felt that two people were better than one. 8、如果你真的想要做好一件事,全世界都会为你挡路。 If you really want to do a good job, the world will get in your way. 9、不顾别人感情是自私,太顾别人感情是自虐。 Regardless of other people's feelings is selfish, too much care of other people's feelings is self abuse. 10、请你善良,无论这世界多冷漠。 Please be kind, no matter how cold the world is. 11、如果喜欢一个人,在允许的情况下,告诉对方。 If you like a person, tell the other person if you allow. 12、没有结局的故事,倒不如给它一个落幕。 A story without an ending might as well be ended. 13、努力,是女人变强的很好底牌。 Hard work is the best card for women to become stronger. 14、怎么赶不走失恋的苦恼。我知道我无可救药。 How can not get rid of the pain of lovelorn. I know I'm hopeless. 15、有无目标是成功者与平庸者的根本差别。 Whether there is a goal or not is the fundamental difference between the successful and the mediocre. 16、内心强大,世界就渺小,内心渺小,世界就很大! If the heart is strong, the world will be small. If the heart is small, the world will be big! 17、女人的名字是错误,男人的名字是犯错误。 A woman's name is a mistake, and a man's name is a mistake. 18、常常责备自己的人,往往能得到他人的谅解。 Those who often blame themselves can often get the understanding of others. 19、也许过程有些煎熬,但真的,熬过去就好了。 Maybe the process is a little painful, but really, just go through it. 20、人生没有重来,贪心有何不可。 Life is not a comeback, why not be greedy. 21、人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。 The establishment of great undertakings in life lies not in knowing, but in being able to do. 22、很可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。 The most terrible enemy is the lack of strong faith. 23、以后的以后少一些自以为是,多一些自知之明。 In the future, there will be less self righteousness and more self-knowledge. 24、自己分内的事情,努力做到一百分。 Try to do what you are supposed to do. 25、决定一个人命运的不是他的能力,而是他的选择。 It is not his ability but his choice that determines a man's fate. 26、任何安慰都没有自己看透来得奏效。 No consolation works better than seeing through. 27、日久不一定生情,但必定见人心,时间会说出真话。 Over time, you may not have feelings, but you must see people's hearts, and time will tell the truth. 28、成长叫我不要再相信誓言,能相信的,只有陪伴。 Growth told me not to believe in vows. All I can believe is company. 29、别人说的记在脑袋里,而自己的,则放在心里。 What others say is in your head, while what you own is in your heart. 30、做一个精致的女人,从发型开始,从护肤开始! To be a delicate woman, start with hairstyle and skin care! 31、人不能低下高贵的头,但捡钱的时候例外。 One cannot lower his noble head, except when picking up money. 32、这年头不缺爱情,缺的是把爱情当回事的人。 There is no lack of love these days, but people who take love seriously. 33、世上有很多事,一旦了解得太多,就没意思了。 There are many things in the world. Once you know too much, it's boring. 34、每个人的活法都不一样,只要你开心,一切都值得。 Everyone's way of life is different. As long as you are happy, everything is worth it. 35、人在现实崩坏的时候,常常想往回忆里逃。 When reality collapses, people often want to escape to memories. 36、生命的多少用时间计算,生命的价值用贡献计算。 The amount of life is calculated by time, and the value of life is calculated by contribution. 37、心若大了心情就好了,心若大了心事就小了。 If the heart is big, the mood will be good, and if the heart is big, the mind will be small. 38、月有阴晴圆缺,人有迟到早退,此事古难全。 The moon is full and full, and some people are late and leave early. 39、当你不再期待什么东西的时候,你会得到一切。 When you no longer expect anything, you will get everything. 40、一旦蠢话出来了,蠢事就不远了。 Once stupid words come out, stupid things are not far away. 41、我的字典里没有分手,只有丧偶。 There is no breakup in my dictionary, only widowhood. 42、欢笑终究抛不开眼泪,哪里去找温驯的玫瑰。 Laughter can't throw away tears after all. Where can I find gentle roses. 43、我等候的愿望总是失望,像流星耀眼却会坠亡。 My waiting wish is always disappointed, like a meteor shining, but it will fall. 44、对人恭敬,就是在庄严你自己。 To be respectful to others is to solemnize yourself. 45、自然界没有风风雨雨,大地就不会春华秋实。 Without ups and downs in nature, the earth will not bear fruit in spring and autumn. 46、我巴不得你过得穷困潦倒,半夜想起的全是我的好。 I wish you were poor. All you think of in the middle of the night is my good. 47、设立目标,然后把目标细化为每一步的实际行动。 Set goals and then refine them into practical actions at each step. 48、如果别人正好喜欢你所讨厌的事物,你闭嘴就好了。 If others just like what you hate, just shut up. 49、既然选择了远方,就要风雨兼程。 Now that we have chosen the distance, we must go through both wind and rain. 50、我们都擅长口是心非,却又很希望对方知道。 We are good at duplicity, but we want each other to know. 51、恰到好处的喜欢很舒服,懂分寸的关系很迷人。 The most comfortable and proper relationship is the most charming. 52、我尽可能不去缅怀往事,因为来时的路不可能回头。 I try not to remember the past, because the road when I came can't turn back. 53、忍一时不一定风平浪静,退一步不一定海阔天空。 Forbearance may not be calm for a while, and taking a step back may not be boundless. 54、我喜欢交朋友,但不喜欢供祖宗。 I like making friends, but I don't like serving my ancestors. 55、没有天生就适合的两个人,只有相互包容的两颗心。 There are no two people who are naturally suitable, only two hearts that tolerate each other. 56、人生的意义止于人生,有不做梦的,没有梦不醒的。 The meaning of life ends in life. There are those who don't dream and those who don't wake up. 57、用幽默的语气掩盖疼了的心,这种伪装真神奇。 It's amazing to cover up your painful heart with a humorous tone. 58、没有来得及认真的年轻,我们何不优雅点老去。 Without time for serious youth, why don't we grow old gracefully. 59、女人总是容易衰老,所以为了美丽从护肤开始。 Women are always prone to aging, so for beauty, start with skin care. 60、千万不要觉得,你放不下的人,同样也放不下你。 Don't think that the person you can't let go can't let go of you either. 61、要想到达高处,必须低处起步。 To reach high, you must start low. 62、每一发奋发奋的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。 Behind every effort, there must be a double reward. 63、容易忘却昨天的人,同样也会轻率地对待今天。 Those who easily forget yesterday will also treat today rashly. 64、不要总把自己与别人比,做个很好的自己! Don't always compare yourself with others and be the best yourself! 65、想杀更多的苍蝇,与其用醋,不如用蜜。 If you want to kill more flies, you'd better use honey instead of vinegar. 66、问候不一定要慎重其事,但一定要真诚感人。 Greetings do not have to be careful, but they must be sincere and touching. 67、你全力做到的很好,可能还不如别人随便搞搞。 If you try your best, you may not be as good as others. 68、不要没完没了的修图,现实中你多丑,我们都知道。 Don't fix the picture endlessly. We all know how ugly you are in reality. 69、每天开心笑,累了就睡觉,醒了就微笑。 Laugh happily every day, sleep when you are tired, and smile when you wake up. 70、在这个世界,我们,必须学会坚强。 In this world, we must learn to be strong. 71、您复杂的五官,掩饰不了您朴素的智商。 Your complex facial features can't hide your simple IQ. 72、人家有的是背景,你却只有背影。 People have a lot of background, but you only have your back. 73、中年一个女人更需要好心情,学会调节放松很重要。 A middle-aged woman needs a good mood. It is most important to learn to adjust and relax. 74、别把秘密告诉风,风会吹整片森林。 Don't tell the wind the secret. The wind will blow the whole forest. 75、只要努力,没什么事情是你搞不砸的。 As long as you work hard, there's nothing you can't screw up. 76、被房东限制网速怎么破,努力赚钱,成为房东。 Limited by the landlord, how to break the Internet speed, strive to make money and become the landlord. 77、所有受过的伤害,都证明曾经拥有过。 All the injuries have proved to have been owned. 78、一个人越炫耀什么就说明他越缺少什么。 The more a man shows off, the less he lacks. 79、这年头,人宁愿说自己有病,也不愿承认自己平凡。 These days, people would rather say they are ill than admit that they are ordinary. 80、去做别人的宝贝,别来趟我这浑水。 Be someone else's baby and don't come into my muddy water. 81、没有绝对的善恶,你弱的时候,坏人很多。 There is no absolute good or evil. When you are weak, there are the most bad people. 82、没有天生的信心,只有不断培养的信心。 There is no innate confidence, only constantly cultivated confidence. 83、当我与你在一起,不可能都会变成可能。 When I'm with you, not everything will become possible. 84、等你长大了,我们就一辈子在一起好不好。 When you grow up, we'll be together all our lives. 85、万事开头难,中间难,很后结尾难。 Everything is difficult at the beginning, in the middle and at the end.






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